All events on this page have been closed.
日時 : 7月23日(祝)
Michaël Akortia Michaël Akortia
Tatsunori Hara Tatsunori Hara
RRyusuque Ishida RRyusuque Ishida
cojicose Koji Kose
料金 : 10,000円
料金(1クラス) : 3000円
③フルコース or どこの単発クラスか
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tamaru_handpan/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/tamaruhandpan/
email - tamaru.handpan.music@gmail.com

日時 : 7月24(祝)-25(土)
Michaël Akortia
Tatsunori Hara
RRyusuque Ishida
料金 :
※人数制限 約10名前後
料金(1クラス) :
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tamaru_handpan/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/tamaruhandpan/
email - tamaru.handpan.music@gmail.com
#ハンドパン #handpan #TAMARU
◉TAMARU Handpan Real-Time Live Streaming & Lottery Announcement ◉
Date - 24th May 2020(Japan Time GMT+9)
1:00am - Real-Time Live
2:00am - Announcement of Handpan Lottery
@TAMARU Handpan Broadcast - 24hours Streaming -
Special Guest
Reo Matsumot
RRyusuque Ishida
Tatsunori Hara
◆About Lottery◆
- Rules and How To Win
• We will announce the winner at 2:00AM (Japan GMT+9), 24th May 2020 during a YouTube real-time live show.
•To be eligible, you must be viewing the real-time live streaming.
•The details of the competition are long, but be sure to check the “Rules and How to Win” section on the TAMARU website.
This handpan (AsaChan) finding a new place in the world, I hope and truly believe that great energy will circle around.
I am conducting this with hopes this channel will help spread the handpan scene, and for a more peaceful and better World.
午前1時 リアルタイムライブ
午前2時 抽選発表
Get Handpan! Lottery Campaign!
Just send us an e-mail!
Handpan Maker - Echo Sound Sculpture
AsaChan - Kabeção Signature Model
Scale - AnnaZiska 2017(D Kurd) / D / A A# C D E F G A (C D)
◆Kabeção - https://www.youtube.com/user/Kabexon
◆E-mail requirements
- Address : tamaru.handpan.music@gmail.com
- Title : TAMARU Handpan Lottery
Please send the following information.
1. Full name in English
2. Residing City and Country
3. Facebook and/or Instagram Link/ ID Name
4. Nickname (Used to announce your name online if you win the competition)
5. Phone Number (with country code number).
※ 1. You will not be eligible to win if you enter a fake name, even if you are drawn in the lottery.
※ 3. If you don't have any social media accounts, your Whatsapp, LINE or Wechat account can be accepted. Please send your ID, URL or QR Code.
※please send us a way we can contact you via call.
- Please send your unique ID or QR Code for social media that won’t allow us to find you just with your name.
- If you are sending an international phone number, make sure you have the country code.
(Contact details that CAN make phone calls: Phone Number, Facebook, Instagram, LINE, WhatsApp, WeChat)
(Contact details that CANNOT make phone calls: Twitter, other Social Media not stated above)
◆Rules and How To Win Chaneged new Rule (Red)
• The LIVE stream will begin at 1:00 AM (Japan GMT+9), 24th May 2020 during a YouTube real-time live show.
(TAMARU Handpan broadcast - 24Hours- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFiylRoVG-G2i4o85VDP4g/featured)
• We will draw and announce your nickname during the real-time live streaming.
• To be eligible, you must be viewing the real-time live streaming.
1. We will call you as soon as we draw your name.
- If you answer then and there, you are the winner!
- If not, you will miss the chance and there will be a redraw.
2. - The draw will begin at 2:00 AM.
- There will be a LIVE performance with some guests.
- The LIVE stream is planned to finish at 3:00 AM.
• The prize is one handpan for one person.
• Fraudulent applications, such as sending large volumes of emails will be deemed invalid. If we later discover your applications was fraudulent (after the lottery) it will become invalid. The administrator reserves the right to make decisions regarding fraudulent applications.
• Application Deadline 23th May 2020, 14:00 (Japan time)
◆About the Competition
My life drastically changed to the better when I won the Handpan/AsaChan(D Kurd) during the Kabecao cloud-funding campaign.(https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/kabecao-first-album-touching-souls?fbclid=IwAR3PjRCQ7nPCoa_ixJ6ZTqGT44D70l8mMmWmxVHduozvsRZL18VTeXIeWr0#/)
Since then, I have joined international Handpan Festivals and met amazing new friends from all over the world.
Returning to Japan, I began a handpan Community place called TAMARU, and I could feel the positive vibes cycle through and get stronger each day.
To me, the “Handpan” is not only an instrument that makes beautiful sounds, but has been an instrument that has changed my views, my lifestyle and the meaning love, since it came into my life.
There has been so much happening in the world recently and I cannot fix anything just by myself.
But by this handpan (AsaChan) finding a new place in the world, I hope and truly believe that great energy will circle around.
I am conducting this with hopes this channel will help spread the handpan scene, and for a more peaceful and better World.
◆Other Important points
• Please do not enter the competition if you plan to resell the handpan straight away. There is a very strong global handpan community, and since this it the only one of its kind in the world, we will know straight away :)
• However, if you end up having to sell the handpan due to financial reasons, we will not force you to stop. Once the handpan arrives at your doorstep, you will have complete ownership of the instrument. The decision will be yours in the end.
• I have used this handpan a lot since it came to my possession in 2017. It is tuned and no apparent scratches can be seen but we do not guarantee anything. We can not fix it. Please be aware it has been used for 3 years.
• If you want to return it, we will not pay the postage fees.
• All personal information received during the competition will be handled strictly and will all be erased once the competition is finished.
• The case for the handpan will be : Hardcase Technologies Polycase 2.0. We will take great care in packaging the handpan so it won't get damaged, but please note that the case has been used since 2015 and there are a few scratches and slightly broken parts.
• Please note we do not hold any responsibility if by some chance the handpan is damaged and/or the tuning is affected during delivery.
• If by some chance the handpan is damaged matthe lottery draw, the competition will be cancelled.
• We will live-stream the lottery draw, however if the streaming stops to reasons such as technical difficulties, we will conduct the draw as planned and upload a video of the draw in the following days. In such cases, we intend to follow the original rules as closely as possible, however, depending on the circumstance, the drawing rules (such as the 10 minute rule) may slightly change.
• We will provide the handpan, hardcase and shipping fees will be paid, however, we will not be responsible for other costs such as customs fees. These fees will need to be paid yourself (Fees and laws Re different depending on the country, so please check your country government website for details). We will not pay for shipping insurance.
◆Copyright on the videos and audio used on the channel
• We have received permission from all artists for their music and videos to be streamed.
• We have confirmed all artists and their music comply with copyright laws.
• If it becomes clear that the music provided from artists are breaching copyright laws etc., the piece of music will be deleted immediately from the stream.
• Most artists featured on the live-stream are independent creators preforming and creating music individually. All music and videos played have their artist name and song title shown, so please contact artists directly if you like what you hear! I'm sure they will be happy to hear from you.
• There is a possibiliy the URL for the live-stream may change due to systeamatic reasons. If this happens, please switch to the new live-stream channel from the account page.
○●〇 Emailを送るだけでOK!ハンドパンが当たるキャンペーン○●〇
Handpan Maker - Echo Sound Sculpture(スイス)
Asachan - Kabeção Signature Model
Scale - AnnaZiska 2017(D Kurd) / D / A A# C D E F G A (C D)
◆Kabeção - https://www.youtube.com/user/Kabexon
- 宛先 : tamaru.handpan.music@gmail.com
- タイトル : TAMARU Handpan Lottery
- 本文に以下の内容
3.facebookリンク and/or instagramリンク
*3.アカウントを持っていない場合、whatsapp, wechat, LINEでもOKです。IDかURLかQRコードを貼ってください。
◆抽選方法とルール ※少し変更しました(赤字部分。5月20日に変更)
.(TAMARU Handpan broadcast - 24Hours - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFiylRoVG-G2i4o85VDP4g/featured)
- 抽選のくじを引いた時点ですぐに連絡をとっていきます。
- その時にコンタクトが取れれば当選となります。
- リアルタイムにコンタクト取れなかった場合は当選になりません。
*ハードケースはHardcase Technologies Polycase2.1になります。2015年から使っているもので傷やフックなど壊れているところがあります。配送には問題ないように梱包する予定です。
TAMARU Handpan broadcast - 24Hours-